Dice Lords Craig Atlanta Media Pros
Swamp Murders Tom Stroh- Older Crazy Legs Productions
Homicide Hunter Jim Spoon Upper Ground Enterprises
Rivals Jason Lalanne Atlanta Media Pros
The Warm Vacation Robert Jones Atlanta Media Pros
Bad Indian Minor Janake Tambe Productions
Barrel Turkey Various Atlanta Media Pros
Side|Effects Zach GSTV
I Hate Hamlet Andrew Gypsy Theatre Company
Don't Dress for Dinner George Gypsy Theatre Company
The Wisdom of Eve Harvey Gypsy Theatre Company
And Then They Came for Me Edmund Georgia Ensemble Theatre
Knock Em' Dead Lou Dumbello Gypsy Theatre Company
Making God Laugh Tom Art Station
Helen McCready Workshop Helen McCready Atlanta, GA
Apprenticeship Acting Georgia Ensemble Theatre
Bachelor of Arts Theatre University of Alabama
Acting Styles 1 (Shakespeare) Seth Panitch University of Alabama
Acting Styles 2 (Comedy/Film) Seth Panitch University of Alabama
Stage Movement Seth Panitch University of Alabama
Acting Techniques 1 Matt Lewis University of Alabama
Acting Techniques 2 Seth Panitch University of Alabama